Ag, Tech, and Tourism Could Help Rebound Local Economy
Santa Barbara County may lean on technology, agriculture and tourism to slowly crawl back up from the bottom of the depression years. That’s the word from newly chosen Board of Supervisors Chairman Salud Carbajal.The swearing in for elected officials, included new Supervisor Peter Adam, Supervisor Doreen Farr who starts her second four-year term, and Supervisor Carbajal who begins his third term.Adam said there are areas of Santa Barbara County where oil and gas reserves on shore could be developed safely, and boost the county’s income. He said the projects are “staggering. So if that turns out to be true, that’s just a boom for our economy and we need to do that.” When it came to finding a way to express his view to the current board, Adam said he will find his place soon in the conversations. “And having the complete discussion is what brings us to the proper answer,” he said. Carbajal says the North County jail project, it’s funding for construction and staffing, continues to be a financial concern that has to be discussed, and analyzed every step of the way before it moves forward. Senior Reporter John Palminteri has the story.