Righetti High School Drama Department presents Romeo and Juliet

SANTA MARIA, Calif. – On October 26, 27, and 28 the Righetti High School Drama Department will present "Romeo and Juliet" on campus inside the Black Box Theatre.
Warrior Drama Program Director Elesa Carlson said, "Righetti student artists, performers and techies have been hard at work in our Black Box, eagerly embracing Romeo & Juliet in-the-round and making it their own. We invite you to see how they have transformed our space and themselves."
Righetti Junior Deacon Guzman, who plays Romeo said, "Bringing these characters to life is like no other feeling in the world, and it would be truly great if you came and saw it all firsthand.”
Showtimes are slated for 6:30 p.m. and for tickets you can visit the Righetti website .