Cal Poly keeping some students off campus due to coronavirus exposure

SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. - Cal Poly is now keeping students in isolation off campus because so many students now have COVID-19 or have been exposed to the deadly disease.
Almost 1,200 students are currently in quarantine because of an exposure or in isolation after a positive test, according the school's coronavirus website.
A university spokesman said 20 students were moved into overflow spaces starting late last week.
As of Friday, there are 67 isolation beds available on campus.
All isolated and quarantined students receive dining and laundry services.
Cal Poly is experiencing a breakout of new coronavirus cases. On Thursday, Keith Humphrey, Vice President for Student Affairs, said students with no in-person commitments should go home early for the upcoming break.
The rise in cases has pushed San Luis Obispo County on the brink of being forced to move backwards in the state's reopening plan.