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Lydia Perez

Lompoc Mayor candidate: Lydia Perez
Lompoc Mayor candidate: Lydia Perez
Candidate Name:Lydia Perez
Position Sought:Lompoc Mayor
Website / Social
Instagram: @perezforlompoc
Why are you running for office?
I'm Lydia Perez, and I'm running for Mayor of Lompoc because I believe in the power of community and the potential for positive change. As a proud Mexican American woman with deep roots and many connections in Santa Barbara County and the Lompoc Valley, I bring a unique perspective and a strong commitment to serving our diverse population. Like many in Lompoc, I am the daughter of immigrant parents, from Sinaloa, who worked hard to build a better life for their family. I am bilingual, which allows me to connect deeply with our diverse community. I have two wonderful daughters: Madison, who is 11 years old and dreams of becoming an engineer and attending Stanford. Maddy loves playing chess, math, and all things books—she loves reading. Our youngest, Emma, is 3 years old and already knows she wants to be a police officer when she grows up, she keeps asking us for a blue uniform to wear. She’s our wild child, always keeping us on our toes with her love for slime, her sandbox, pictures, and the beach. My partner, Juan, whom I've known for 20 years, is an incredible source of support. He is a project manager for a local property management company in Goleta. In our downtime, you'll often find us enjoying the outdoors at Beattie Park, biking near River Bend Trail, fishing, enjoying the beach, hiking, camping, and exploring new places. I currently work for People's Self Help Housing, a non profit organization that develops and manages affordable housing for those in need. I have worked in property management my entire adult life and I work hard to make sure our residents are connected with the community and have a safe living experience. Many of our clients are seniors and working families. During my time working in non-profit management, I have connected with our resident’s needs, while acquiring leadership skills, community engagement and outreach, financial management, regulatory compliance, strategic planning, and effective communication. Throughout my career, I have dedicated myself to serving others and advocating for progress. . I want to use these skills to serve our community as Lompoc’s next Mayor. I am committed to: fostering economic growth, enhancing public safety, addressing homelessness, promoting environmental sustainability. My background in nonprofit leadership and my roles on various boards have equipped me with the skills and insights needed to drive economic development, support local businesses, and create job opportunities. I am dedicated to making Lompoc a place where businesses can thrive, and residents can enjoy a high quality of life. Tackling the issue of homelessness is one of my top priorities. Public safety is also a critical focus. I will work to ensure our police and fire departments are well-equipped to keep our community safe. I am passionate about improving co-response, and using all methods of de-escalation first. Supporting our first responders and ensuring they have the resources they need to protect our city and keep you safe. Education and the future of Lompoc’s youth remain at the heart of my agenda.

I firmly believe that investing in our youth through education, after-school programs, extracurricular activities, and good jobs for our local residents can be the future for our community. By building a strong foundation we can ensure that our youth are well-prepared to succeed and contribute positively to our community. Working together we can create change together! 
What makes you qualified for this position?
My candidacy for Mayor of Lompoc is built on a foundation of over 18 years of leadership experience in non-profit/affordable housing  management, nonprofit work, and deep community involvement. These experiences have equipped me with the skills, insights, and determination necessary to effectively lead our city and address the diverse needs of our residents.

In my role as a leader in non-profit property management, I have overseen complex operations that require active listening to understand tenants needs, strategic planning, financial management, and regulatory compliance. Managing large-scale projects and budgets has given me a strong understanding of fiscal responsibility—an essential skill for any mayor. Through these roles, I have learned to balance the immediate needs of residents with long-term planning, ensuring that decisions are made with both current and future impacts in mind. This experience directly translates to the management of city resources, where careful planning and prudent financial stewardship are crucial for sustainable growth.

My work in nonprofit leadership has been particularly impactful, allowing me to advocate for underserved populations and develop community programs tailored to the needs of our residents. In these roles, I have championed initiatives that provide essential services, such as mental health support, housing assistance, education and childcare programs. This experience has deepened my understanding of the importance of inclusivity and social justice, core values that will guide my decisions as mayor. By working closely with various community organizations, I have built strong relationships that are essential for collaborative governance.

My extensive community involvement reflect my unwavering commitment to improving the quality of life in Lompoc. I have worked alongside local organizations to support education, economic development, and enhance public safety, always with the goal of fostering a more connected and resilient community.

As a long term resident of Lompoc, I bring a personal connection and understanding of the unique challenges we face. My upbringing, shaped by the values of hard work and perseverance instilled by my immigrant parents, has driven me to pursue a career focused on service to others. This personal history, combined with my professional experience, makes me uniquely qualified to serve as mayor.

My background in non-profit property management, nonprofit leadership, and community involvement has prepared me to lead Lompoc with empathy, determination, and a clear vision for the future. I am confident that my experience and dedication to public service will enable me to effectively address the needs of our city and guide Lompoc toward a more prosperous, inclusive and united future.
What are the two hardest issues facing the candidate who wins the office you are running for?
The two hardest issues facing the candidate who wins the mayoral office in Lompoc are:
    1. Economic Revitalization/Development: Lompoc has struggled with economic stagnation, and I recognize the significant challenges we face in attracting new businesses, supporting local enterprises, and creating job opportunities. I understand that revitalizing our downtown area, addressing homelessness, and improving infrastructure will be critical to fostering sustainable economic growth. As mayor, I will work hard to balance economic development with preserving the unique character of our city, all while carefully managing the budget to ensure we can invest in necessary projects and keep our finances stable.
2. Public Safety/Community Relations: Crime and gang activity are serious concerns for Lompoc residents, and I am fully aware of the importance of addressing these issues. As mayor, I will work closely with law enforcement to enhance public safety, reduce crime rates, and build trust between the police and our community. I believe that improving policing strategies is just one part of the solution; we also need to invest in community programs that tackle the root causes of crime, such as poverty, lack of educational opportunities, and inadequate mental health services. My goal is to ensure that every resident feels safe and valued, and I am committed to making that a reality.
These issues will require strong leadership, effective communication, and the ability to build consensus among diverse stakeholders in the community.
How do you plan to address the issue of inflation and its impacts on your constituents if elected?
If elected, I plan to address the issue of inflation and its impacts on our community by focusing on both immediate relief and long-term strategies:

1. I will work to strengthen our local economy by attracting new businesses and supporting existing ones. This includes offering incentives for small businesses to grow and creating an environment that fosters job creation. By increasing local employment opportunities, we can help residents better withstand the rising costs of living.
2. I will prioritize affordable housing initiatives to ensure that residents aren’t disproportionately burdened by rising rents and housing costs. Additionally, I will explore ways to keep utility costs manageable, such as promoting energy efficiency programs and exploring alternative energy sources.
3. I will expand access to community resources that help families cope with inflation. This includes enhancing food assistance programs, providing financial literacy education, and supporting local organizations that offer services to those most affected by rising costs.
4. I will actively collaborate with state and federal representatives to secure funding and resources that can be directed towards initiatives aimed at mitigating the impact of inflation. This could include advocating for tax relief, subsidies, or grants that directly benefit our community.
5. To help mitigate food costs, I will support local agriculture and farmers' markets, which can provide fresh produce at lower prices. Encouraging local food production also strengthens our community’s resilience against broader economic fluctuations.

By addressing these areas, I aim to alleviate the pressures of inflation on our residents and create a more resilient and supportive community.
What major crime issues do you plan to address if elected and how?
If elected, I plan to address several major crime issues that have been affecting our community:

1. Gang-related violence is a significant concern in our city. To combat this, I will work closely with law enforcement to enhance gang prevention and intervention programs. This includes increasing police presence in high-risk areas, collaborating with community organizations to offer alternative opportunities for at-risk youth, and investing in educational and recreational programs that steer young people away from gang involvement.
2. Drug abuse contributes to a range of criminal activities, including theft, domestic violence, and other violent crimes. I plan to address this issue by advocating for increased access to addiction treatment and recovery programs. I will also support initiatives that provide law enforcement with the resources they need to crack down on drug trafficking and distribution in our community.
3. Property crimes, such as burglary and vandalism, can have a devastating impact on residents' sense of security. I will work to strengthen neighborhood watch programs, encourage community policing efforts, and promote the use of modern technologies, such as surveillance cameras and better lighting in high-crime areas, to deter these crimes.
4. Domestic violence is an often underreported but critical issue that needs more attention. I will advocate for stronger support systems for victims, including more accessible shelters and counseling services. Additionally, I will work with law enforcement to ensure that domestic violence cases are handled with the seriousness they deserve, and that officers receive ongoing training to recognize and address these situations effectively.
5. While not all homelessness is linked to crime, there are cases where homelessness and criminal behavior intersect. I plan to address this by promoting comprehensive solutions that combine housing with social services, mental health care, and job training. By addressing the root causes of homelessness, we can reduce the crime associated with it and improve the overall safety and well-being of our community.

In tackling these crime issues, I believe in a balanced approach that combines strong law enforcement with proactive community engagement and social services. My goal is to create a safer environment where all residents feel protected and supported.
How do you plan to address the issue of housing if elected?
If elected, I plan to address the issue of housing through a comprehensive approach that focuses on affordability, accessibility, and sustainable development:

1. I will prioritize the development of affordable housing by working with developers to create more units that meet the needs of low- and middle-income families. This includes advocating for incentives such as tax credits, grants, and streamlined permitting processes to encourage the construction of affordable housing. I will also explore partnerships with non-profits and community organizations to support housing initiatives that are inclusive and meet the diverse needs of our residents.
2. It's crucial to protect the affordable housing we already have. I will work on strengthening the programs we have in place that support tenants with rental assistance or financial assistance to avoid displacement. I will also support programs that provide assistance to homeowners and landlords to maintain and improve their properties, ensuring that existing housing remains safe and affordable.
3. Homelessness is a significant challenge in our community, and I plan to tackle it by increasing access to supportive housing and wraparound services, including mental health care, addiction treatment, and job training. I will advocate for a "housing first" approach, which prioritizes providing stable housing as the first step in helping people get back on their feet. Collaboration with local non-profits, government agencies, and community groups will be essential to implementing these solutions effectively.
4. As our city grows, it’s important that we plan for housing in a way that is sustainable and respects the character of our community. I will promote smart growth policies that focus on higher-density housing near public transportation, jobs, and amenities. This approach helps reduce urban sprawl, lowers transportation costs for residents, and creates more livable, walkable neighborhoods.
5. I will work to ensure that there is a diverse range of housing options available, including single-family homes, multi-family units, senior housing, and workforce housing. This diversity is crucial to meeting the needs of all residents, from young families to retirees. I will also support initiatives that promote homeownership, such as down payment assistance programs and financial literacy education, to help more people achieve the dream of owning a home.

By focusing on these strategies, I aim to make housing more affordable, accessible, and sustainable for everyone in our community.
What do you hope to accomplish in your first year in office if elected?
If elected, my primary goals for the first year in office will be focused on laying a strong foundation for long-term success while addressing some of the most pressing issues facing our community. Here's what I hope to accomplish:

1. I plan to begin revitalizing our local economy by initiating key projects that attract new businesses and support existing ones. This includes working with local business owners and stakeholders to create a strategic economic development plan, as well as securing investments to improve our downtown area. I also aim to launch job creation programs that focus on training and employment opportunities for residents.
2. In the first year, I want to strengthen our community’s safety by improving collaboration between first responders and the public. This will involve launching new community policing initiatives, increasing police presence in high-crime areas, and investing in programs that address the root causes of crime, such as youth outreach and mental health services.
3. I intend to make significant strides in addressing our housing crisis by kickstarting new affordable housing projects and preserving existing units. I will work with developers, non-profits, and government agencies to streamline the approval process for new affordable housing developments.
4. I will prioritize tackling homelessness by expanding access to supportive housing and essential services. In my first year, I aim to launch a comprehensive homelessness response plan that focuses on providing housing, mental health care, and job training, working closely with local organizations to ensure these services are effective and accessible.
5. I hope to foster a more inclusive and engaged community by implementing regular town halls, creating advisory committees that reflect the diversity of our residents, and ensuring that all voices are heard in decision-making processes. I also want to address language barriers by introducing translation services at public meetings to make them more accessible to non-English-speaking residents.
6. I plan to start addressing our city’s infrastructure needs by prioritizing repairs and upgrades to roads, utilities, and public facilities. Additionally, I will work on enhancing public services, such as recreational areas, to improve the overall quality of life for our residents.

By focusing on these key areas, I believe we can make meaningful progress in the first year that sets the stage for a stronger community.
What actions do you plan to take to reduce political divide?
Reducing political divide is essential for fostering a strong, unified community, and if elected, I plan to take several actions to bridge gaps and promote collaboration:

1. I will create regular opportunities for residents from all political backgrounds to come together and discuss issues in a respectful and open environment. This could include town halls, community forums, and listening sessions where people feel heard and valued, regardless of their political views.
2. I will form advisory committees composed of residents with diverse perspectives, including those from different political affiliations. These committees will work on key issues facing our community, providing input and recommendations that consider a wide range of viewpoints. By involving people from across the political spectrum, we can create more balanced and inclusive policies.
3. I will prioritize issues that have broad support across the community, such as economic development, public safety, and improving local schools. By focusing on areas where we can all agree, we can build momentum and trust that will help us tackle more divisive issues later on.
4. As a leader, I will model respectful and constructive communication in all interactions, whether with constituents, fellow officials, or the media. I will make it a point to listen to and consider opposing viewpoints, demonstrating that collaboration and compromise are possible and necessary for effective governance.
5. I will work to increase civic engagement by making it easier for all residents to participate in local government. This includes providing clear and accessible information about how to get involved, ensuring meetings are accessible both in person and online, and offering interpretation services to include non-English speakers. By empowering more people to take part in the political process, we can create a more representative and united community.
6. I will combat misinformation by ensuring that accurate, timely information is readily available to the public. This includes regular updates on city decisions, transparent budgeting processes, and open communication about upcoming initiatives. When people are well-informed, they are less likely to be divided by rumors or misunderstandings.
7. I will support and promote events that bring people together outside of the political arena, such as cultural festivals, volunteer projects, and neighborhood gatherings. These activities help build relationships and a sense of shared community, which can reduce the impact of political differences.

By taking these actions, I hope to foster a culture of mutual respect, understanding, and collaboration that transcends political divides and strengthens our community as a whole so we are united in working towards a better future for all of Lompoc.
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Lydia Perez

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