Visitors to be allowed back at Ventura County jails

VENTURA COUNTY, Calif. - Visitors will soon be allowed again at Ventura County jails.
The main jail in Ventura and the Todd Road Jail in Santa Paula wll resume in-person visits on Monday.
In-person visiting has been suspended at both Ventura County jails since December 2020 due to rising cases of COVID-19.
Anyone visiting the jail will be required to wear a mask when entering the facility and practice physical distancing while inside Visitors will be able to remove their masks while using the visiting phone.
Visitors will be allowed inside for a maximum of 30 minutes so facilities can be sanitized between visits.
Video visitation continues to operate normally and should be considered an option for those who are unable to wait or who may be at higher risk from COVID-19 exposure, the Ventura County Sheriff's Office said.
Schedules for visits can be found at