Santa Maria Bonita School District outlines ‘contingent’ plans for Fall 2021

SANTA MARIA, Calif. -- Santa Maria Bonita School District has outlined 'contingent' plans for the 2021-2022 school year.
On Thursday, Superintendent Luke Ontiveros has updated family members of Santa Maria Bonita Unified School for the school plans that could happen for next school year.
The superintendent says the school district will anticipate offering fill in-person learning at their schools for the 2021-2022 school year.
The first day of school will be set for August 12, 2021.
He said with Governor Newsom's proposed state budget, it will be possible for schools to return to normal. He says there will be some specific requirements and expectations on how schools will operate, the plans will be developed over the summer.
Parents and/or students who may be hesitant to return to in-person learning will be able to continue distanced learning through the governor's proposal. The district will update parents and community members on what that will look like when they have answerws.
The CDC has announced their guidance for schools will be released mid-June.
The California Department of Public Health is expected to modify its school guidance to reflect CDC guidelines one to two weeks later, after which the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department will adjust its local guidance accordingly.
"I am confident that our staff, students and families are up to the challenge of reopening for full in-person teaching and learning, no matter what that may look like. Our entire school community has become adept at adapting to change. I could not be more grateful for the resilience of everyone in SMBSD and their commitment to flexibility in the face of constantly changing conditions." said Ontiveros.
He assures parents and students that once they know more information, they will update the community.