Experts provide tips to combat cold and flu for kids as they head back to school

SANTA BARABRA, Calif. – Some students on the Central Coast are back to school, and experts provide tips on combatting a cold or flu for the school year.
Here are some tips from Dr. Udo Erasmus:
1. Double Down on Vitamin D:
Recognizing the return of students to school, Erasmus points out, "We might as well rename the cold and flu season to 'Vitamin D Deficiency Season.'" Winter sees a dip in our immune-boosting Vitamin D levels, owing to reduced sun exposure. This vitamin not only aids respiratory functions, central in battling colds and flu, but also supports cardiovascular health. For an adult, daily intake should be between 5,000 to 10,000 International Units. If you're obese, this dose should be doubled to account for absorption loss in fat tissues.
2. Avoid Sugar and Fruit to Close the Viral Window:
The moment you sense a sore throat, steer clear from sugary substances and fruits. Consuming sugar, especially white sugar, can debilitate your immune system for hours, paving a clear path for viruses to multiply rapidly.
3. Chew a Protease Capsule:
One remarkable nutrient for confronting cold and flu is protease, a protein-dissolving enzyme. Instead of just swallowing it, chew the capsule to release the enzyme into your mouth. This will digest the protective protein coat off viruses, rendering them ineffective.