Propane fueled torch determined cause of Caballo Fire near Los Olivos
LOS OLIVOS, Calif. --Santa Barbara County Fire determined the cause of the Caballo Fire near Los Olivos on Tuesday.
County Fire determined that a weed and vegetation burning operation caused the fire using a propane fuelled torch.
The weed and vegetation burning operation was in the area eradicating weeds and vegetation without a fire department permit.
County Fire says the fire escaped control and sparked the Caballo Fire on September 6.
It burned almost 70 acres.
County Fire does not recommend using torches or open flames for weed or vegetation control.
A permit is required for anyone operating a torch or an open flame device in a wildfire risk area.
To obtain a permit, you can contact by emailing or call 805-686-5077.
Anyone with more information regarding the fire is urged to contact fire investigators at