Cal Fire SLO ramps up staffing ahead of peak fire season
SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY, Calif. — Cal Fire San Luis Obispo will ramp up its staffing levels on Monday ahead of peak fire season.
According to Cal Fire SLO, staffing is maintained year-round, but the additional help is due to the lack of precipitation and high temperatures and have produced dangerously dry conditions in the vegetation.
Cal Fire SLO says it has responded to 2,289 wildfires that have burned more than 93,739 acres statewide, between January 1st, 2024 and June 21st, 2024.
During the critical fire season months, the all-hazards emergency service department is urging residents to stay informed and help prevent wildfires.
"I urge residents to take extra precautions to prevent wildfires, such as clearing brush and debris around their homes by continually maintaining 100 [feet] of defensible space and being vigilant about potential hazards," said Cal Fire SLO Chief John Owens. "We must work together to protect our communities and the natural environment during this dangerous time."
For more information on preparing for wildfires and defensible space click here.