Controlled fire held in San Luis Obispo County to burn 250 acres

SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY, Calif - Cal Fire and San Luis Obispo Fire Department are managing a controlled fire training that started Wednesday and will end on Friday, burning 250 acres in total.
Organizers said this class and controlled burn is for students to have the opportunity to learn about fire personnel.
Cal Fire said it is holding this class along with the Camp Roberts Fire Department.
In a press release, organizers said "A controlled fire in the span of 250 acres will be burned and will come to an end at 5 p.m. each day of the training. Visible smoke is expected for the three days of training in northern parts of San Luis Obispo County."
The burn is conducted by Camp Roberts Fire Department, SLO County APCD, National Weather Service, California Air Resources Board and Monterey Bay Air Resources District.