Coronavirus outbreak reported at SLO County Jail

SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY, Calif. - The San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Office is reporting dozens of positive COVID-19 cases in the county's jail.
According to Tony Cipolla, the sheriff's public information officer, there are currently 59 inmates and 23 jail employees who have tested positive for COVID-19 since the outbreak first began on Dec. 26.
No inmates have been hospitalized yet at this time and most have reported only mild symptoms.
Cipolla said the surge in cases is similar to what the rest of the community is experiencing at this time.
The jail is working with Wellpath, the health care company contracted at the facility, and the SLO County Public Health Department to monitor the outbreak.
The jail tests all inmates as they enter the jail, Cipolla said, and inmates and staff are offered vaccines on site.
Anyone who tests positive is placed under quarantine, as well as anyone who may have had close contact with an infected person.
The sheriff's office said it is reducing non-essential workers and visitors at the jail and offering video visitation and video court appointments for inmates. Masks for staff are required at all times and inmates are required to wear masks as they are moved about the facility. Staff are also tested weekly, Cipolla said.
San Luis Obispo County joins Santa Barbara County which is also experiencing an outbreak at its county jail.