Landscaper injured in two truck collision in Santa Barbara
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. - The driver of a landscaping truck has been hospitalized after a powerful two truck accident in Santa Barbara.
Witnesses said the Cornerstone landscaping truck, a Ford F-250, was moving north in the direction of Rocky Nook Park when it was hit in the passenger side by a truck coming down Alameda Padre Serra.
The driver of the landscaping truck was injured. He complained of pain in his upper body as he was treated at the scene and transported by AMR to Santa Barbara's Cottage Hospital.
The driver of the other truck, a Dodge 4 X 4 pickup stayed at the scene and gave a statement to responding police. His vehicle had significant front end damage.
The impact was strong enough to move the entire landscaping truck from one lane over to the oncoming traffic lane. Skid marks on the asphalt show how the truck was pushed by the impact.
Traffic in both directions was stopped by police during the clean up and on scene medical care.
Vehicles coming down from the Riviera and incoming from the Mission Canyon area were rerouted.
Fluids spilled from the landscaping truck. The Santa Barbara City Fire department used an absorbent to pick it up and also clean the area of debris.
Love's and 805 towing removed the vehicles. For the landscaping truck a special oversized tow truck was called in.