Rare blood moon phenomenon wows viewers around the country Thursday night

CENTRAL COAST, Calif. – Several News Channel viewers witnessed the rare blood moon phenomenon Thursday night, seeing the sky lit up in red.
Pictures of the event were sent in by viewers who watched the moon, Earth and sun perfectly line up to produce such an exciting scene.
The Earth will then cast a shadow that can either completely or partly block out the moon, resulting in a change in color.
Last September, parts of the Americas, Africa and Europe all witnessed a partial lunar eclipse back in 2022. The next total lunar eclipse will happen on September 7 with part of Asia, Africa, Australia and Europe able to see.
Sunbeams around the darkest part of the Earth's shadow result in red coloring when hitting the edges of said shadow just right.
When aligned in a syzygy, all three planetary objects show us the sunset-like coloration in the sky during the rare event.