Ballots arrive under tight security in Santa Barbara County

SANTA BARBARA, Calif. - Over 230,000 ballots have arrived in Santa Barbara County in anticipation for the upcoming General Election.
Registrar of Voters Joe Holland says this election is expected to have one of the largest voter turnouts in history.
The ballots arrived at 8 a.m. in Santa Barbara County. They were shown briefly at the elections headquarters near Goleta at 11 a.m.
Registrar of Voters Joe Holland said, "Vote safe, vote early, vote by mail."
The elections office says already 75 percent of the county was receiving a vote by mail ballot. Now everyone who is registered will be receiving it.
"For us to add 50 thousand vote by mail ballots, we've got this," said Holland.
Some ballots will arrive this week and some next week.
Holland says, "if you haven't got it by October 10 or 12 just give us a ring and we'll send out a replacement ballot."
Two Santa Barbara County Sheriff's deputies escorted the 18-wheeler to the main Goleta Post Office building about 11:30 a.m. to begin the distribution.
At some of the official, newly installed, ballot drop off location boxes you will have to get out of your car and put your ballot inside. At the Goleta Valley Community Center, however, you can just drive up and put your ballot right in the slot.
There are about 32 drop boxes and the locations are on the county's election web site. They will be cleared out at least once a day.
Milton Morgan is ready to vote. He said, "I'm going to drop it in the election box. That's one degree of safety I think I will take advantage of."
You will still be able to vote through the U.S. Postal Service, bring your ballot to the elections office in person or drop it off at one of 35 in-person voting places countywide.
"You want to avoid long lines that's why we are sending you a vote by mail ballot," said Holland. "Please vote early, let's get these results in. Let's avoid any criticism that we can."
All registered voters in the county are receiving the vote by mail ballots.
The voting begins October 5. Voting ends at 8 p.m. on November 3. Anyone in line at that time will be allowed to vote. No one will be able to get into an existing line after 8 p.m. For the vote by mail boxes, a Santa Barbara County Sheriff's patrol car will be the last vehicle in any existing line at one of those boxes if there is one.
Anyone who does not receive a ballot and expected to, can contact the elections office for assistance.
For more information go to: Santa Barbara County Elections