60 more poll workers needed in Santa Barbara County
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. -- Santa Barbara County's election office needs 60 more poll workers before the primary election on Tuesday, March 3rd, also known as Super Tuesday.
Joe Holland is the Santa Barbara County Registrar of Voters. He said 50 workers are needed in South County and 10 in North County. They will be needed to help check voters in and administer the election at local polls throughout Santa Barbara County.
Holland added that in order to apply, a candidate must be available to work on Election Day from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. and be available to attend a training class. Pay for those positions range from $180 to $240 depending on the position.
“Once you sign up and become a poll worker, then on the Saturday before the election day, we’ll give you the supplies and then you’ll be ready to go,” said Holland.
He continued and described the election day responsibilities a, “A voter will come in, state their name, give their address, sign the roster and vote a ballot.”
For more information to apply in South County call 805-696-8976 or in North County call 805-692-5783.