Grand Opening for PCPA New Stagecraft building in Santa Maria
SANTA MARIA, Calif. – Allan Hancock College PCPA had a Grand Opening for their new stagecraft building.
The building is 6,632 square foot and cost $6.9 million – which was funded by the taxpayer-approved bond measure 1.
Inside the stagecraft shop, costume shop, prop shop, offices, and other support spaces.
Students and staff are excited for this new building.
"It's amazing. After being in production for 59 seasons to finally have a purpose built building for the stagecraft program at PCPA," said Mark Booher, Artistic Director.
This will allow PCPA students and staff continue to create professional quality scenery, props and costumes.
"We have a professional staff of 50 full time staff and then about 110 students who work together to get the professional productions to the stage," said Booher.
This comes as PCPA is celebrating it's 60th anniversary.
Crews are also preparing for "Elf The Musical" coming this November in Santa Maria.