Carpinteria properties in flood-prone areas eligible for insurance discount starting April 1
CARPINTERIA, Calif. – The City of Carpinteria announced on Monday that residents will be eligible for a five percent discount on their flood insurance premiums after Apr. 1 of this year.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) approved Carpinteria's enrollment in the National Flood Insurance Program Community Rating System after the city took voluntary actions to meet the necessary criteria to qualify.
"The enrollment process with FEMA took about two years, but I am excited for the Carpinteria community to be enrolled now in the Community Rating System,” said John Ilasin, Public Works Director/City Engineer and Carpinteria's Designated Floodplain Administrator. "Achieving this milestone not only reinforces the City’s commitment to proactive floodplain management including sustainability- and resilience-building efforts, but it also provides for a discount on the cost of flood insurance premiums for the entire Carpinteria community."
Carpinteria properties in designated special flood hazard areas will be eligible for the discount on their flood insurance premiums through their insurance provider on or after Apr. 1, 2024.
For more information, call Carpinteria's Designated Floodplain Administrator John Ilasin at 805-880-3402 or email him at