Over 4,000 pounds of trash collected in Mar. 25 Beautify Goleta events
GOLETA, Calif.– The city of Goleta reported that the most recent Mar. 25 "Beautify Goleta" event community cleanup and bulky item drop off collected over 4,000 pounds of trash was collected.
Officials say 48 volunteers collected 257 pounds of trash in the Old Town neighborhood trash cleanup, while 14 vehicles dropped off 3,857 pounds of bulky items for collection and proper disposal.
The city is encouraging the community to get involved in the beautify events and are hosting the following events for anyone that wants to participate.
- April 22: “Earth Day”
- Stow Grove Park and surrounding neighborhood areas
- Spotlight Captain: Goleta Rotary Club and Community West Bank
- July 22: “Put A Smile On Your Place”
- September 23: “Coastal Cleanup Day
As well as participants the city is seeking clubs, businesses, organizations, and individuals to volunteer as captains to lead the volunteer groups. Please email the city at EnvironmentalServices@CityOfGoleta.org about being a Captain.