Santa Barbara District Attorney conclude cause of death in January inmate death at Santa Barbara Main Jail
SANTA BARBARA, Calif.– The investigation into the Jan. 12 death of 45-year-old inmate Jonathan Paul Thomas has been determined as accidental.
The death was a result of various combined effects of morbid obesity, dilated cardiomyopathy, acute methamphetamine intoxication, active resistance, and restraint, according to Santa Barbara District Attorney.
Prior to his death that night, Thomas had made suicidal statements prompting officers to use force to isolate him in a single-occupant safety cell where they removed his clothes and handcuffs while Thomas was faced down on the floor.
Moments later Thomas was discovered unresponsive.
The District Attorney's Office investigation determined the force was lawful and those involved bear no criminal liability.
For the full statement from the Santa Barbara District Attorney's Office can access it here.