Earl Warren Showgrounds vision for the future topic of community forum
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. – Like rides at the fair, Earl Warren Showgrounds has had its ups and downs, but the CEO told people attending the first public engagement forum that things are looking bright financially.
Ben Sprague said, "Everyone can improve in some way, and we certainly can. We have a lot of different maintenance to take care of, but we are growing, we are in the best financial position we have been in in 25 years."
The state owned showgrounds in the 19th Agricultural District is named after the former governor and Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren.
It is known for its national horse show and equestrians want to see more.
Equestrian Kevin Snow said, "I'm concerned that the equestrian function is maintained and renovated so that horse shows can continue to come here and celebrate a very significant part of our cultural and agricultural interest."
Donations have helped foot the bill for an equestrian renovation project and Warren Hall's new roof.
Some people who attended the forum shared their fondest memories of concerts at the showgrounds.
Shiela O'Brien Snow who sits on the Historic Landmarks Commission said, "Sonny and Cher were here, The Doors, I do believe Jimmy Hendrix was here."
She recommends the flower shows, but is hoping for more events that celebrate history.
People may be able to get ideas at the upcoming Santa Barbara Fair & Expo April 27th - May 1. 2022 .
Meet Me At The Fair is the theme.
Sprague said, "Come to the fair, spend some money, check out the place, think about what, what could actually happen here."
Forums like will now be monthly at 3400 Calle Real, outside the showgrounds administration office.
For more information visit EarlWarren.com.