Santa Barbara Water Vision Month
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. - The City of Santa Barbara's Public Works Department is highlighting October as Water Vision Month with a special series of ‘Live Lunch and Learns’ with staff each day this week.
‘Your Voice is Important -- Inform Santa Barbara’s Water Vision’ is a way to engage local water users to share their input on a variety of water-related issues -- the topics vary daily.
Josh Haggmark, Water Resources Manager, said the goal is to look ahead at local water-related issues for the next 30 years.
Tuesday’s focus is on where our water comes from, including ocean desal. Monday’s topic was water conservation.
Each Zoom session goes from noon to 12:45 p.m. and requires user registration.
The Public Works website is user friendly and showcases a myriad of ways to get information about the water we use. It also includes informative videos about the Desalination Plant, Lake Cachuma and other local water resources.
Scroll down the page and you’ll find Social Pinpoint, a discussion forum where you can chime in on local housing development, water conservation among renters, and how to best serve vulnerable populations, among other important topics.
Click the following link to register for ‘Live Lunch and Learns’ or for more information: