Around 1350-gallon sewage spill reported in Pismo Beach Wednesday

PISMO BEACH, Calif. – On Wednesday, around 1350 gallons of sewage spilled from an overflowing main line near the intersection of Morro Avenue and Ocean Boulevard in Pismo Beach with some of the spill reaching a storm drain that empties into the ocean.
While around 500 gallons of sewage was recovered and utilities personnel have repaired the problem, the City of Pismo Beach advises beachgoers avoid contacting ocean water near the outlet at Eldwayen Ocean Park until sample results show water has acceptable levels of bacteria.
Around 9:20 a.m., an electrical failure caused a main line overflow that was controlled around 9:47 a.m. shared the City of Pismo Beach in an announcement about the incident Wednesday.
According to the City of Pismo Beach, warning signs about the high bacteria levels have been posted at Eldwayen Ocean Park where the affected storm drain's outlet is located.
For the latest information about ocean water quality, visit here or call the Ocean Water Monitoring Program Hotline at 805-788-3411.