Legislation unveiled to rename Santa Maria Post Office after former mayor Larry Lavagnino

SANTA MARIA, Calif. – Congressman Salud Carbajal unveiled federal legislation Monday morning to formally rename the United States Post Office in Santa Maria for former Mayor and City Councilmember Larry Lavagnino.
During a ceremony in the Santa Maria City Council chambers, Carbajal was joined by Lavagnino, several members of the Lavagnino family, as well as current Mayor Alice Patino, other city employees, and members of the public during the official announcement.
"I think probably there isn't an honor in Santa Maria that would top it," said Lavagnino. "I mean, it'll be something there for in perpetuity, and my family can always say, my great grandfather's name is there, and so it's very, very significant, believe me, especially when you're 88-years-old and have that kind of an honor."
The legislation proposed by Carbajal is necessary since the renaming of the Post Office requires an act of Congress. Carbajal said he will officially submit the proposal to Congress next week and expects a vote sometime in the near future.
"This legislation isn't just a bill you put forward, and it's it's pretty significant," said Carbajal. "All of Congress has to vote on it, and this is something that I am hopeful and that we're going to be able to bring bipartisan members of Congress together to move this legislation forward."
Carbajal added it is an honor to recognize Lavagnino with the the honor, which he pointed out is due to a the former mayor's long commitment of giving back to his hometown.
"When you look at the breadth and depth of his service from the days when he served in the United States Navy for our country, to the many years as council member and mayor for the City of Santa Maria," said Carbajal. "It's only fitting that we recognize him for that legacy of service that he leaves."
The ceremony was originally scheduled to take place at the Post Office, which is located at the corner of E. Battles Road and McClelland Street, but was moved to City Hall due to rain.
Lavagnino's son Steve Lavagnino, who followed his father into public service, where he has served as Santa Barbara County Fifth District Supervisor the past 14 years, said it is extremely appropriate the busy post office will be named in his dad's honor.
"Nobody loves the post office more than my dad," said Steve Lavagnino. My dad probably goes to the post office twice a day, so I just think it's it's kind of a capstone on his whole career."
A Santa Maria native, the 88-year-old Lavagnino is a graduate of Santa Maria Union High School and Allan Hancock College, and a Navy veteran. He served on the Santa Maria Planning Commission before a six year tenure on the Santa Maria City Council beginning in 1996, and later as Mayor from 2002 to 2012.
During his tenure as mayor and councilmember, Lavagnino helped lead the city through some of its most significant improvement projects, including the rebuilding of the Santa Maria River Levee, the construction of the new Transit Center, police station, fire stations, Abel Maldonado Youth Center, widening of Highway 101 to three lanes, and much more.
"I just loved it," said Larry Lavagnino, when asked about his time in office. "I gave back because Santa Maria gave me so much. I have a love affair with the city, that's what it comes down to. I've been very fortunate and very, very lucky. I lived in a golden era in a golden city."
Carbajal said he will officially submit the proposal to Congress next week and expects a vote sometime in the near future.
"It means everything," said Larry Lavagnino. "It hasn't hit me really yet. I know how important this is to my family and it's very important to me and I can hardly wait to see it. Like Steve said, if they have to put my whole name up there, the building is not big enough, Lawrence Joseph Lavagnino Junior, that's a lot of letters, so I think Larry Lavagnino will look great!"