WaterWise High School Video Challenge announces this year’s winners
SANTA BARBARA COUNTY, Calif.– The Santa Barbara County Water Agency announced its 24th Annual WaterWise High School Video Contest winners on Thursday.
Students were challenged by the Agency to create 30-second videos centered on the theme of 'Does Lawn Belong?' and a total of 18 student submissions answered the call.
The community was asked to provide input, but the winners, and the private sector sponsored prize money went to the following submissions:
- First Place: Water IS Life by Dos Pueblos High School will receive $1,000. Students will win a $500 prize provided by Carollo Engineers
- First Place for Spanish language video: Adiós el Desperdicio de Agua by Dos Pueblos High School will receive $1,000. Students will win a $500 prize provided by La Buena 105.1FM
- Second Place: Does Your Lawn Belong? by Dos Pueblos High School will receive $500. Students will win a $250 prize provided by Geosyntec Consultants
- Third Place: Lawn = Yawn by Santa Ynez High School will receive $300. Students will win a $150 prize provided by Ewing Irrigation
You can check out these submissions by visiting WaterWise's contest page here.