Firefighters continue fighting Pond Fire near Creston

CRESTON, Calif. - Home owner Brook Terry considers himself lucky. "First of all no one got hurt. Not in my family and not with the firefighters."
While his home was saved, he says the fire spread a little too close for his comfort. "We had a couple of broken windows little bit of smoke damage on the outside some decks are burned."
The vegetation fire broke out Saturday afternoon on Katacreek Road in Santa Margarita.
It destroyed at least two homes and several out buildings.
"He has gravel and none of that area with the gravel burned but he’s currently removing a lot of mulch wood chips," said Adan Orozco with Cal Fire San Luis Obispo County Fire.
Fire crews are taking extra precaution as they are faced with extreme heat as well as physical distancing.
"So we reduce the amount of people that can attend our briefings and we set up hand sanitizing and hand washing stations at the base camp," said Orozco.
Right now a total of 344 firefighters are on scene and they’re expected to continue fighting the fire for the next several days.
Fire crews are also facing steep rugged terrain high wind and dry vegetation.
"It is really hot out here and the fuel’s that were facing a really dry and the trees have been really dry for a long time because of our continued drought in California so they’re burning a lot hotter in a lot faster," said Orozco.
As Terry continues removing smoldering of wood chips around his home he’s grateful that fire crews helped save his property. "They did a great job of saving our property. We got out ahead of time I’m sure they saved lives."