Halloween events return to Santa Barbara workplaces, employees show off clever costumes
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. - After a quiet year in 2020 with COVID scaring the fun out of Halloween, events and work place decorations are back.
That includes many job sites where employees are in full costumes this weekend.
The Santa Barbara branches of American Riviera Bank make it a special day annually.
Each site has a different theme.
In Downtown Santa Barbara, customers walked in to the land of Oz.
Branch manager Jason Kaufman said planning began two months ago.
"Once we come up with the theme, we pull together and get creative and start decorating and start choosing who we want to be. This year it was Wizard of Oz which came together really well. We've got a very supportive staff that did most of the decorations by hand," said Kaufman.
Each staff member played a roll with CEO Joanne Funari showing up as Glinda the Good Witch. President Jeff DeVine wore a colorful jacket and strolled the office as the Wizard.
The office had Dorothy, Tin Man, Scarecrow and all the characters including the munchkins.
There was no shortage of candy at each teller and on the counters throughout the lobby.
The bank also goes all out for Flag Day with U.S. flags.