Unity of Santa Barbara plans multi-church Easter service
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. - Five ministers representing Unity centers in Santa Barbara, Ventura, Thousand Oaks and Florida will hold a multi-church online service Easter Sunday.
Like many churches that would normally hold Easter celebrations with a large group, they've had to be innovative to reach their congregations and still comply with the stay at home mandate during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Each minister will broadcast the service on their own platforms at 10 am. The service will be recorded and available to view again later, should folks choose to check out other services at 10.
They will also open up their Zoom line to allow people to call in to hear the service if they don't have a computer. Some congregants who live in retirement communities lost access to computers and the internet because their media rooms were closed to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The service will be live-streamed at www.santabarbaraunity.org/live-stream this Sunday at 10 am! If you can’t be by your computer, you can still hear the service by dialing in via Zoom at 16699006833, meeting ID 898655474#.