Stewart David Jenkins
Candidate Name | Stewart David (Stew) Jenkins |
Position Sought | San Luis Obispo County Clerk-Recorder |
Website / Social Media | |
Why are you running for office? | These critical times called me as to ask for your vote to be your independent County Clerk-Recorder. San Luis County is under investigation by the U.S. Federal Attorney for official misconduct. The public distrusts supervisorial redistricting and the integrity of local elections. As an Election Law Lawyer who has represented Democrats, Republicans & Independents in election & constitutional cases, I have been in the arena of county elections for 50 years. As a County Deputy Registrar-of-Voters, I have walked every town in San Luis Obispo County helping voters register. As a County Polling Place Inspector I have helped thousands of citizens vote. As a Superior Court Special Master I have been assigned many times to review and safeguard privileged secrets. I know how to safeguard and triple-check voting machines and their software. Republicans, like Sam Blakeslee, and Democrats, like Leon Panetta, have supported my campaign for County Clerk-Recorder. My history, standing up against corruption – and setting the rule of law above partisanship - makes me the only candidate able to restore and reinforce public trust on all sides as Your Neutral Election Umpire. I have advocated for, and know how to establish as County Clerk-Recorder, a Citizens’ Redistricting Commission for San Luis County. A vote for Stew Jenkins is a vote for Elections You Can Trust. |
What makes you qualified for the job? | The reason California Statute establishes the Office of an Elected County Clerk-Recorder – instead of an appointed technician - is to require the Clerk-Recorder to understand the people of the County, understand and fulfill their needs, and understand how & where the services of the Office should be delivered. My role as County Clerk-Recorder will be to help the good people working for the Clerk-Recorder to deliver those services where, when and in the manner desired by people in all regions of San Luis Obispo County. With Fifty Years’ experience in the arena of San Luis County elections, I know how to increase citizen and volunteer participation to help conduct honest elections you can trust. I understand the contests and the contestants. I am the best choice to restore trust as a neutral umpire. My deep understanding of tools available to an independently elected County Clerk-Recorder makes me able to achieve a Citizens’ Redistricting Commission and full-service branch offices for the public in my first term. I have the broadest knowledge of the people of our diverse County, and the deepest knowledge and experience in Election Law and its nesting in the Constitution and history of our County, State and Nation. That knowledge and practical experience uniquely empowers me to clean up voter rolls, register every county citizen to vote, register every private and public high school student to vote, and increase voter turnout. My demonstrated character putting principles and integrity above partisanship or personal advantage makes me the best choice in a county under Federal investigation for misconduct. |
What are your two main priorities if you win? | Most Important - Restore Trust in elections by: 1) recruiting leaders from each Political Party into each step of our election and assure each eligible voter is listed on voter rolls once; 2) recruiting and training an army of Deputy Registrars-of-Voters to pre-register and to register students in public & private High Schools, and to register older citizens walking door-to-door all over San Luis County; 3) recruiting, training and protecting more polling place workers; 4) recruiting, training, and assigning bi-partisan observers from each Political Party to watch and review each step of preparing and conducting the election and all phases of opening and counting ballots; 5) use Superior Court Special Master experience and my practical/legal knowledge to protected machines and software from compromise; 6) investigate every allegation of vote fraud to exonerate or, if evidenced is found, to institute prosecution; 7) establish a County Citizens’ Redistricting Commission to conduct all future redistricting of Supervisorial Districts and City Council Districts. Next Most Important - End hidden poll-tax on School, City & CSD elections to leave more money for books, teachers, street paving, firefighters and police. |
How will you collaborate with other governments? | I will advocate for opening a counter in each Clerk-Recorder’s office for Deputy County Assessors to improve services to all citizens, residents and property owners who would benefit from coordinated services that can be provided. I will regularly meet with each City, School District, Community Services District, and Special District to provide guidance in their elections, and will cut the cost of election services provided to them by 70-80% to keep more money in their budgets for firefighters, police, teachers, road paving and services. I will provide guidance for Cities, School Districts, Community Services Districts and Special Districts when they establish representative districts or re-district. I will work for the citizens of the County to establish a non-partisan balanced Citizen’s Redistricting Commission either through a Board of Supervisors adopted ordinance or through a citizens’ initiative measure. I will advocate for the citizens of San Luis Obispo County for more funding and training of deputy registrars, polling place and election office workers and secure voter rolls and voting machines with the Board of Supervisors, California Secretary of State, California Office of Voting System Technology, and the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. I will not repeat the failure of the appointed Clerk-Recorder to use over $700,000 the California Voting Modernization Board had available for voter security and access in San Luis Obispo County that is no longer available. |
What are the next two issues that are most important to you? | Establishing full-service North County, South County and North Coast offices of the County Clerk-Recorder and advocating for more Deputy Recorders and Deputy Clerks needed to serve citizens, residents and property owners of San Luis Obispo County. Ending Delays that plague recording and processing of deeds, real estate transfers, subdivision maps and other documents that must be recorded for title companies, owners, lenders or which must be transmitted to the County Assessor, County Tax Collector and California State Agencies. |