Oxnard and Port Hueneme Police Departments collaborate to find illegal fireworks
OXNARD, Calif. -- The Oxnard Police Department and Port Hueneme Police Department worked together on the "Buy-and-Bust" operation identified as "Dark Skies", according to a news release from the police department.
The partnership was prompted by complaints from residents.
The first phase of the operation yielded 700 pounds of dangerous fireworks being sold in Port Hueneme resulting in three people arrested in Oxnard.
An anonymous tip through the fireworks email tip line led officers to South Oxnard. Over 3,000 fireworks were found and confiscated.
Ventura County Sheriff's Bomb squad recovered the illegal fireworks for destruction. A man was arrested and released on a misdemeanor citation. He was also issued a civil citation that carries a $1,000 fine.
All fireworks are illegal in Oxanrd and Port Hueneme.
Tips via email: fireworks@oxanrdpd.org or fireworks@cityofporthueneme.org
Oxnard fireworks hotline: (805)394-5884
Port Hueneme fireworks hotline (805)986-6539
Oxnard non-emergency number: (805)385-7740
Port Hueneme non-emergency number: (805)986-6530