Arroyo Grande Community Hospital Foundation holds the Rise & Rally March to fight breast cancer
ARROYO GRANDE, Calif. -- The Arroyo Grande Community Hospital Foundation holds the Rise & Rally March this Sunday at the Matther Will Memorial Medical Center to bring awareness to the breast cancer fight.
The march honors the victims and survivors of breast cancer as well as brings awareness to mammography and biopsy technology.
Arroyo Grande Community Hospital Foundation is partnering with the community to raise $650,000 to bring Hologic 3Dimensions Mammography and Biopsy technology to Coastal Diagnostic Imaging Center, increasing breast cancer survival rates for local women.
Medical professionals say early detection is key in the fight against cancer, and technological advancements have made this more achievable than ever.
Community members have joined forces to create marching groups and sponsors to donate and march in the event from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.
For more on the Rise & Rally March stay tuned tonight at 6 p.m. on your news channel 3-12.