PG&E, SLO County provides important Diablo Canyon emergency information calendar in annual outreach campaign
SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. – Thousands of households on the Central Coast recently received 2024 calendars that include important safety information about Diablo Canyon Power Plant through an annual outreach campaign coordinated by Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), along with the San Luis Obispo County Office of Emergency Services.
"We have a huge public information campaign that we do every single year," said San Luis Obispo County Emergency Services Coordinator Anita Konopa. "The biggest component of that is the emergency, the important emergency information calendar that goes out to residences in the emergency planning zone and the public education zone around Diablo Canyon."
Konopa added the calendars were just mailed with the past few days, so some residents may have already received one, or will in the near future.
"Residents should be getting it, either just gotten it or be getting it in the next few day, so we ask that they keep this calendar," said Konopa. "Not only is it great to write down your appointments all year long, but it also has all the information they would need if there was an emergency at Diablo Canyon. We ask that residents read the calendar and then retain it so that they have that information. If you don't live in that area that gets the calendar, you can contact our office and we can get you a copy or you can go to where we have all of the same information available, and this is a collaborative effort between emergency planning at Diablo Canyon and the County Office of Emergency Services that puts the information together for the public."
The front pages of the calendar contain vital information that residents need to prepare for an emergency at Diablo Canyon.
"It has information on precautionary actions that may be taken," said Konopa. "It has information on finding out what protective action zone you live in. It has information about how you would be notified if there was an emergency at Diablo Canyon. It also has a KI potassium iodide card in here so that you can get a supply of that for your home, and it also has an evacuation assistance card that we highly recommend individuals who may have trouble evacuating themselves due to a medical issue. You can turn this card in our office, keeps track of everyone who's on that list. We provide it to our response agencies, and those individuals would be contacted. They would be called if there was an evacuation due to an incident at Diablo Canyon. It can also be used in other emergencies, and we would make sure that we were aware of those individuals that needed help getting out of their home."