BREAKING: Deputies searching for inmate who escaped the Ventura main jail facility

VENTURA, Calif. — Deputies are searching for an inmate who escaped from the main jail facility in Ventura Thursday night.
According to the Ventura County Sheriff's Office, Jonathan Alfaro, 31, was assigned as a kitchen worker, at the Pre-Trial Detention Facility. At approximately 7:00 p.m., he walked away from the facility, which is located on 800 South Victoria Avenue.
Alfaro was last seen on the loading dock before walking off the facility grounds.
Deputies immediately sent out a Ventura County Emergency alert as they actively search the area for Alfaro.
According to the VSCO, all inmate workers are in custody for non-violent crimes and are heavily screened by the jail’s "Classification Unit" before being assigned to a work assignment.
"All inmate workers sign contracts, known as escape clauses, as many of them are authorized to work in and around jail facilities and police stations where security is limited," said the VSCO press release.
Deputies say, Alfaro is in custody for burglary, and suggest he "may not be a danger" or threat to the public and community.
According to the VSCO, Alfaro was last seen wearing jail issued blue jeans and an orange T-shirt. He is a hispanic male, 5’ 4', weighing approximately 140 pounds and has short black hair and a black beard and mustache.
VSCO says, if located, do not attempt to make contact, or apprehend Alfaro. Deputies are asking the public to call 911.
If there is helpful information regarding Alfaro or his possible whereabouts, people are advised to call the VSCO at 805-654-9511.