Santa Barbara Unified Board of Trustees appoints new member Dr. Sunita Beall
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. – The Santa Barbara Unified Board of Trustees appointed new member Dr. Sunita Beall during a special meeting on Wednesday.
The Board provided more information in the following press release:
Santa Barbara Unified’s Board of Trustees appointed Dr. Sunita Beall to fill a vacant seat during a Special Meeting Wednesday.
Dr. Beall is Santa Barbara Unified Parent and works as a physician at UCSB. She served as a Trustee on the Board of Santa Barbara Middle School since 2021. Dr. Beall also participates in the SBUSD Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Parent Advisory Committee.
Dr. Beall was sworn in after the board voted on Wednesday evening, January 10, 2024.
The newly appointed Trustee will take a seat on the board at the January 16th meeting.
Two special hearings were held on Tuesday and Wednesday to interview 14 applicants for the vacancy.
Dr. Beall will replace Virginia Alvarez, who stepped down from her At-Large Trustee Area 5 position on November 27, 2023.
The Provisional Appointee will complete the remaining At-Large elected term until November 2024.