Dolphin that shared a tank with Lolita the orca at Miami Seaquarium moves to SeaWorld San Antonio
MIAMI (AP) — Officials say a Pacific white-sided dolphin who shared a tank with Lolita the orca at the Miami Seaquarium until Lolita died last month has been moved to SeaWorld San Antonio, where he will live with others of his species. Officials said Monday that Li’i will be joining other Pacific white-sided dolphins in San Antonio, some of whom he lived with previously. SeaWorld San Antonio is one of only two places in the United States to care for his species. The Seaquarium says the 40-year-old aquatic mammal had been the only remaining Pacific white-sided dolphin at the park. Lolita — also known as Tokitae, or Toki — died Aug. 18 after spending 53 years in captivity. Officials say the 57-year-old orca died from an apparent renal condition.