I run to protect 'We The People" against the unpopular special interests programs like the luxury hotel at the train station that will destroy 65 prime beach parking spaces. I run to protect "We The People" against the stink of unregulated cannabis production. I run to protect "We the People" from crimes of armed robbery, vandalism and drugs sold to school children. I run to provide broadband 5G upgrades for all parents,, students and businesses in Carpinteria. I run to make decisions for all Carpinteria residents rather than aggrieved tribes clamoring for public resources.
What makes you qualified for the job?:
Elected to the national Screen Actors Guild Board of Directors in 1981, I learned how to make decisions that affect all members equally. For 23 years I taught Critical Thinking and Writing at Santa Barbara City College, so I know how to balance opposing ideas for the common good. As a mentor and tutor for Partners In Education in Carpinteria, I've successfully helped hundreds of students into first class colleges and universities. My TVSB interview program FREEDOM MATTERS has influenced thousands of viewers with insights of writers, politicians, professors, and entrepreneurs.
What are your two main priorities if you win?:
Crime Prevention and Strict Cannabis production are my top two priorities on City Council when I'm elected.
How will you interact with other governments?:
Applying my well-honed critical thinking and writing skills. I will not be a rubber-stamp to dictates of other governmental organizations, agencies and personnel at all levels, federal, state and county.
What are your plans to help overcome COVID-19?:
Applying my professional skills as a critical thinker and writer I will work to resolve the contrary and even contradictory mandates, rules, regulations and restrictions that impinge on citizens Constitutionally protected freedoms and responsibilities.
Which two issues are most important to you?:
1. I will ensure that 'We The People" are advised and give our consent to tax dolloars spent on civic projects that will affect everyone on Carpinteria for decades to come.
2. I will urge a partnership with American 5G tech companies to bring uber, high speed internet connectivity for civic services, parents and students in our schools and businesses as they recover economic vitality.