Concerns Grow As Guadalupe Designates Location for Adult Shop
In the tight-knit town of Guadalupe, residents are talking about a plan that would invite adult stores into the small business community.
Guadalupe’s City Council adopted a resolution on November 24 designating areas in the City where adult shops could go. This has some residents worried that an adult business could, “Contaminate the minds of kids and adults too,” as one resident put it.
The City Council chose an area near 4th and Obispo Street to reduce the risk of having a business come in and setting up potentially next to schools and churches.
The move came because California courts require local government agencies to designate specific locations that would give anyone wanting to open an adult oriented business permission to do so.
City officials added that after reviewing current ordinances, they noticed that the City did not have any ordinance stating where someone wanting to open up an adult store could do so.