Tiny Homes on display during Home Improvement Expo at Ventura County Fairgrounds
VENTURA, Calif-Tiny homes drew crowds at the Ventura Home Improvement and Outdoor Living Expo at the Ventura County Fairgrounds in Ventura.
People lined up to step inside tiny homes made by Venture Builders and Pacifica Tiny Homes.
They also had a chance to see the latest Nature's Generator models at work.
The owner of Venture Tiny Homes said cities up and down the coast are making it easier to own them.
"It is pretty cool to see the interest, because Ventura County is moving toward allowing tiny homes as ADUs" said Daniel Griffes, " and people are getting excited about actually walking through one and seeing that this could actually fit in their backyard and they could actually have one of these in their property.
An ADU is an accessory dwelling unit that provides independent living.
One of the tiny homes on display is for sale for $85,000.
Griffes said some cost more and some cost less.
He said he recently sold one to a customer in Carpinteria.
For more information visit https://wwwventuratinyhomes.com or https://pacificatinyhomes.com and https://www.naturesgenerator.com