San Luis Obispo Behavioral Health Department reminds residents of mental health resources available amid May Mental Health Awareness Month
SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. – May is Mental Health Awareness Month. San Luis Obispo County Behavioral Health Department officials say they are committed to informing the residents of the list of free resources available because mental health matters in their community.
This month, the county also has a list of events in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month.
One of those events is "Mental Wellness Kits for Local Students." The department said it is a kit that will be handed out to SLO County Students at their school counseling centers.
"Kits include resources to support mental health like a journal for youth to write a mental wellness plan to refer back to when they are stressed, green ribbons to wear in support of mental health month, a scavenger hunt to encouraging kids to look to nature for healing, pop-fidget key chains and stress balls that encourage calmness, and more," according to the department's website.
For the list of events, click here.
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