How to share photos, videos and story ideas through the NC312 App
Open the app and click the three lines in the top left corner to access the menu.
Scroll down to the section that says “share.”
Click on “share” and this page will open.
Provide your name, phone number and email so that if your news tip or story idea is approved, we have a way of reaching you.
In the top right corner, click the box where it says “add photo or video” in order to add a photo or video, or click the rectangle below that says “capture” in order to take a photo or video.
Once you input your information, please provide us with more information about your story. A good place to start is by answering the five w’s: who, what, where, when, why, and or how.
Once you’re finished, click send in the top right corner. An agreement alert will pop up, certifying that you have rights to the content you’re providing, and that you grant News Channel permission to use the content in any form.
If the answer is yes, then click “agree” to move forward.
The next screen will show you the email format of your news story, which you can edit as you see fit. You can CC others on the email as well.
When you’re finished, click the arrow in the top right corner to send your news story to Your News Channel. The email will then ask you to choose the file size, you can select the option that works best with the service connection you have. As a default, you can select “actual size,” the option at the bottom of the screen. Once you select your file size, your news tip will be sent to our assignment desk.
Our assignment desk receives hundreds of emails every day, but we will see your request when time permits. If we choose to go through with your story, we will reach out to you through the contact information you provided.