Recent storms have no impact on drought
Santa Barbara County is in its sixth year of drought.
The gloomy weather and frequent sprinkling is making people think that the recent rainfall is helping the water crisis. However, it hasn’t helped Santa Barbara County as it has in other parts of the state.
“We’re definitely better off than we have in any past year during the drought,” said Tom Fayram, Deputy Public Works Director for Santa Barbara County.
The rainstorms are helping areas with new growth. Patches of greenery are popping in areas that have been dry.
“We haven’t gotten any runoff into any of our reservoirs so it hasn’t done anything for the drought, but it has set the stage for any rainfall that we could get runoff into the lake,” said Fayram.
The county starts planning for rainstorms and flood control months before the rains come. Now, the big focus is on future droughts.
“We have to recognize what we’ve been through the last couple of years. We have to firm up our water supply. The county in coordination with the state is trying to get our county wide purveyors to look at this issue and plan on the next drought now,” said Fayram.
The county is asking residents to continue to conserve water and prepare for storms. Residents can pick up 25 free sandbags from the Santa Barbara Flood Control Shop.