Grover Beach City Council adopts fiscal year 2022-23 budget
GROVER BEACH, Calif. – The Grover Beach City Council on Tuesday approved a revised fiscal year 2022-23 budget that prioritizes homelessness services and programs, aid to local businesses, and household assistance, among others.
“Grover Beach is dedicated to delivering the best programs and services for its residents and businesses,” said City Manager Matthew Bronson. “The budget adopted by our city council is balanced with strong reserves and positions Grover Beach to continue making investments that make our city a great place to live, work and play.”
The revised budget includes $9.2 million – or 26% of the city's budget, in funding for the Capital Improvement Program, and American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding that will be used towards winter warming centers for homeless individuals, enhancing government services, utility assistance, and non-profit organizations.
The city's budget includes an estimated surplus of $239,000 and a "stable general fund that maintains core services in the community," said city officials. In addition, the city's sales and property tax revenues are projected to grow nearly 4% over the next year.
The city's reserves are also expected to close at 40% of the operating expenditures, surpassing the city council's reserve goal of 25% and allowing the city to address any emergencies or uncertainty in the economy.
“It has not been easy navigating through the fiscal challenges brought on by the pandemic,” said Mayor Jeff Lee.
“We are extremely pleased to head into the next fiscal year with a strong budget that allows us to continue our programs and services in order to better serve our community. This would not have been possible without our staff’s dedication and countless hours of hard work.”