Diablo Canyon power plant Unit 2 returns to full power
AVILA BEACH, Calif. -- PG&E says that Unit 2 from the Diablo Canyon Power Plant returned to 100 percent power over the weekend.
On Monday, Pacific Gas and Electric company says Unit 2 is 100 percent back up and running following a maintenance outage on the electrical generator located on the non-nuclear side of the plant.
"With a strong focus on safety, the men and women of Diablo Canyon successfully completed this maintenance outage and have restored Unit 2 to service. The work they have done supports our strong commitment to safely operate DCPP and ensures the continued delivery of clean and affordable electricity to our customers," said Jim Welsch, Senior Vice President, Generation and Chief Nuclear Officer.
Unit 2 has been offline since October 15, 2020.
The unit reached 100 percent power on Saturday.
Unit 1 is also safely operating at full power.