300 volunteers participate in service projects for Mitzvah Day in Santa Barbara
As part of Mitzvah Day, hundreds of people worked on all kinds of volunteer service projects in Santa Barbara.
“It's a day we have every year here where hundreds come together. They choose a project that they will help in a project all day long,” said Rabbi Steve Cohen with Congregation B'nai B'rith.
Volunteers of all ages worked on more than 20 projects at the synagogue and throughout the community with the help of local nonprofit organizations.
A tradition at the congregation since 2005, Cohen believes it's a chance for all generations to engage in acts of kindness.
Volunteers put together lunch bags and basic items for the Santa Barbara Rescue Mission,
They also made capes for young patients through the Teddy Bear Foundation.
“Iblove this community and doing a service for others is an incredible experience for us,” said volunteer Arlene Raphael.
Other projects included making welcome bags to help infants, kids and teenagers feel at home when they arrive at Transition House.
Cohen said he hopes this one day of giving will carry over to every day of the year.