Coronavirus tracking made public by Santa Barbara County
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. - Santa Barbara County has created an online dashboard tracking the metrics used to allow businesses to be open.
The dashboard is available for anyone to view online. It provides the total number of cases broken down by city, and tracks where new cases are occurring as well as hospitalizations and deaths.
The county's reopening plan was approved by the State of California so long as COVID-19 cases are kept low enough to be contained.
The dashboard indicates whether or not Santa Barbara County has met the standards it has agreed to, including:
- A hospital stabilization metric to demonstrate whether the County meets the 7-day average of less than 5% daily percent change
- A testing results metric that demonstrate that the testing positivity over the past 7 days is less than 8%
- A testing capacity metric demonstrating a minimum daily testing of 1.5 per 1000 residents
- A hospital capacity metric demonstrating a local capacity to accommodate a minimum surge of 35%
- Personal Protective Gear Metric that shows the availability of disinfectant supplies and protective gear for Stage One Essential Workers
- Separate case rate details for the Federal Corrections Institution in Lompoc
Other data metrics coming to the dashboard soon, according to the county, include:
- A containment capacity metric demonstrating at least 15 contact tracers per 100,000 residents and availability of temporary housing units to shelter at least 15% of county residents experiencing homelessness in case of an outbreak amount the population
- Vulnerable populations metrics with coordination criteria and that demonstrates that skilled nursing facilities have more than 14-day supply of PPE on hand for staff
The dashboard provides recent data and is recalculated daily. It is not meant to track the progress of the virus over the course of the pandemic but rather provide a snapshot of the most recent data.