Ventura County Community Colleges honors classified employee nominees
CAMARILLO, Calif. - Fidelia Flores earned the 2024 Classified Employee of the Year award among several nominees on behalf of the Community Colleges of Ventura County.
Flores, a financial aid specialist at Oxnard College, earned the award for her professional ethics and community service to students.
"It's an honor to be able to work at Oxnard College, where I started my higher education career before transferring to university," said Flores. "I'm very thankful to be able to give back to my community."
Flores' efforts include financial aid help for college students as well as backpack and school supply donations to first graders at McKenna Elementary School.
Other nominees for the award included Briand Derderian, Kristen Robinson and Erika Hurtado.
Derderian's work at the Chief Information Systems Officers Association and the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office has been consistently touted as well as his selflessness for the VCCCD.
Robinson's work at Moorpark College includes supporting Civic Events and Voter Engagement as well as performing arts, athletics and club activities across the campus.
Hurtado's work at the Ventura College Tutoring Center helps students with their academic goals in addition to closing the gaps between faculty and students.
For more information on the VCCCD, visit its website.