Friends line a harbor bridge to help a young man propose to his girlfriend
People lined the Channel Islands Blvd. bridge that spans the Channel Islands Harbor on Sunday afternoon to help with a proposal.
They held signs with the words, ” WILL YOU-WAIT FOR IT-MARRY ME,”
As friends held up the sign, Cory Hinkel drove a rented electric boat under the bridge in hopes that his girlfriend would notice.
As he turned the boat around, she looked up and their friends cheered. He got down on one knee inside the boat and proposed.
Ashley Brignoni said, “YES.”
Her father Bill Brignoni was in on it. He was hiding beneath the bridge taking pictures of the romantic event. He said Cory asked his permission.
“He went through the whole tradition track, he asked, it was really pretty cool,” said Brignoni.”
When asked about the romantic grand gesture he added,” I think it is lost in a lot of ways this kind of brings it all back.”