Port Hueneme helps distribute fresh fruits and veggies to farmworkers in Ventura County
PORT HUENEME, Calif. - The City of Port Hueneme worked alongside numerous partners to host the 20th food distribution event for farmers in Ventura County on Saturday.
Local hosting partners included Clinicas Del Camino Real, Lujan Transport Inc., Port customer Del Monte and more.
Port Hueneme said they have helped coordinate these events to shed light on food scarcity due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Saturday's event was held at the Orvene S. Carpenter Community Center in Port Hueneme and had the full support of the City of Port Hueneme.
“Our work does not stop at the docks,” said Oxnard Harbor District President Jess Ramirez. “It actually continues to impact the community as soon as our customers receive the goods that they are also contributing, to maintain our community food distributions to particularly those directly affected by the pandemic.”
“Since this Pandemic Emergency began, the City of Port Hueneme has focused our efforts to best support of the most vulnerable members of our community. As host of this 20th food scarcity solutions initiative, we couldn’t be more proud of this grand opportunity to literally serve them even more and partner with our good friends at the Port of Hueneme,” said the City Manager of Port Hueneme.
The city said, throughout the event,
over 10,000 families have been provided with bananas, strawberries, produce, and hand sanitizer as well as bilingual COVID-19 information to help relieve some of the economic stress that the pandemic has imposed on working families.
The Port of Hueneme even announced plans to forgo their annual Banana Festival, usually held in September, in favor of increased COVID-19 relief activities this year. This change was directed by the Oxnard Harbor District Commissioners, who felt the need to provide a different type of community support during the pandemic.
For more updates on Port Hueneme's response to COVID-19, visit their website www.porthuenemeemergency.org.