Public works and school district implement food share program in Goleta
GOLETA, Calif. -- Santa Barbara County Public Works Department and Goleta Union School District implemented a food share and food scraps composting program at nine elementary schools in Goleta on Tuesday.
This program will prevent thousands of pounds of fruit, milk, containers and packaged food from heading to the landfill.
The program specialist Sam Dickinson says food that is thrown away end up being buried under landfill where it slowly releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas that is one of the largest contributors to climate change.
The program helps students and staff develop good habits for disposing food waste. Goleta Unified School District Food Services Director Kim Leung says this program will not only expose kids to new foods but will serve as a sustainability resource.
How the new program works, students will place unwanted qualifying food and beverage items on designated share carts so that others can enjoy them during lunch.
The carts are located in school lunch areas and are managed by cafeteria staff and adult volunteers.
The County Public Health Department has also helped ensure food sharing safety at the schools that are participating in this program.
For more information about the County's waste reduction program click here.