Safe house for Central Coast human trafficking survivors opens it doors
A new safe house for victims of human trafficking on the Central Coast is finally open. Casa of Hope is a long term shelter for survivors, and it’s the first of its kind in the region.
“I’ve been trying to put this together for 11 years,” said founder Connie Logeman. “The safe house now is open. We’re very pleased to be able to reach out now and give these girls a chancer to recover.”
As of last week, Logeman says they’ve taken in their first two guests.
“I’ve got one gal that wants to –she’s been in terrible situations in her life –and her goal is to be a cop. And I said why is that, and she said ‘I wanna help people.'”
Casa of Hope will offer survivors a long-term recovery program.
“Lifeskill programs, psychotherapy programs. If they don’t have a high school diploma, we’ll help them do that, get their paperwork if they’re a non-citizen,” said Logeman.
The safe house can house up to six women for a year at a time.
“We have the space, we have the room. It’s a wonderful place –it’d very homey, very inviting.”
The Orcutt woman says she’s partnered with law enforcement in Santa Barbara and san Luis Obispo counties. She’s also grateful for donations from community supporters.
“It’s all come together in the last year. We gotta do this together. People help people.”
Casa of Hope is having a dinner fundraiser on November 9 th at the Lions Club in Orcutt. The organization is looking to fundraise more than $7,000. Tickets, and more information can be found on their website.
The nonprofit is also looking for volunteers.
KEYT 2019