Smoke over the Carpinteria Valley comes from approved burns
Smoke plumes in the Carpinteria Valley this morning worried some residents who feared a large scale fire was starting.
Calls to fire agencies came in, but these fires were approved.
Several started before 10 a.m. when the air was calm and temperatures were low.
The Carpinteria-Summerland Fire Protection District issues permits after consulting with the Air Pollution Control District.
Fire Prevention Officer Rolf Larsen says the district approves “pile” burns and not larger prescribed burns.
He inspects the pile for its size and if additional restrictions are necessary he will require those before the permit is activated.
A person with a hose needs to be nearby in case some of the burning embers spread beyond the clearing.
Many farmers use this technique to clear out old tree stumps or vegetation because it is faster and cheaper than hauling.
(More information and video will be added here later today)|